Privacy Policy

Milnco Insurance and the insurance industry have a solid track record of respecting you and your client's right to privacy and safeguarding personal information. As a result of federal legislation, we have further strengthened our privacy commitment by informing you of why and how we collect, use and disclose personal information. You can be assured that we will only handle personal information in a manner that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. Milnco Insurance is a wholesaler and MGA. We do not deal directly with the insurance buyer; we deal only through licensed insurance brokers, who are required to follow all privacy legislation. All references to personal information obtained relates to any such information obtained about our brokers as well as about our broker's clients.


Personal Information Collected

Depending on the purpose(s) for which we need to collect it, we may ask for the following personal information about your client including:

  • Basic information such as name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail, address, birth
  • Date and marital status.
  • Claims history
  • Credit and past payment records
  • Driver's record
  • Details about your property such as the value of your home and its contents
  • Medical information such as any condition that may affect the operation of a vehicle
  • Employment information


We may obtain this information from

  • You or your client
  • Insurance companies
  • Other insurance brokers or agents
  • Credit organizations
  • Motor vehicle and driver licensing authorities
  • Financial institutions
  • Medical professionals


Why do we collect personal information?

When you first acquire or renew a product from us, we need to collect some of your or your client's personal information. Common purposes for which we collect your personal information are to:

  • Enable us to acquire or renew an insurance policy for you
  • Assist you and assess your ongoing needs for insurance
  • Assess your need for other products, such as financial products, and to offer them to you
  • Ensure your information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Protect us both against error or fraud


Whom do we disclose your personal information to?

For many of the purposes identified above, we will need to share your personal information with others in order to serve your needs. These other parties commonly include:

  • Insurance companies
  • Other insurance brokers or agents
  • Credit organizations
  • Professionals working with us such as adjusters or lawyers
  • Financial institutions. For example, the organization that carries your mortgage


How we protect your personal information.

In order to protect your personal information and right to privacy, we will:

  • Not collect, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose other than those that we identify to you
  • Maintain your personal information in as accurate, complete and up-to-date a form as possible
  • Safeguard your personal information to the best of our ability
  • Complex password and computer sign in policies
  • Anti-Virus Protection
  • Remote Worker(s) - if applicable
    • Use corporate email accounts, rather than personal accounts at all times when acting in their capacity as an employee.
    • The IT system accessed is the same as and directly linked to office to enable supervision of activities
    • Hard copies of any personal or sensitive information is shred
  • Respond to any request you may make to access or correct the personal information we hold about you
  • Obtain the appropriate consent from you for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information
  • Keep your personal information only for as long as we need it to fulfill the stated purpose or as required by law


Privacy Internet Communication

As the privacy of communication over the Internet cannot be guaranteed, we do not assume any responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage that might occur by the sending of personal and confidential information.



In using this site, you signify your consent to our privacy policy. If you are not in agreement, please do not use the site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update, change, modify, add, or remove this policy from time to time, as appropriate. Should we make changes, we will publish these on the site in a timely fashion.


Please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer should you have any questions.

Our Privacy Officer may be contacted as follows:

Name of Organization: Milnco Insurance

Name of Privacy Officer: Paul Poganiatz

Address: 830 - 330 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Z5

Telephone: (204) 594-3519



Upon request, an individual will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information, which is under our control, and may be given access to, and challenge the accuracy and completeness of that information.



Milnco Insurance Privacy Statement


Milnco Insurance is a wholesale intermediary and managing general agent (MGA), dealing with and through licensed brokers, not directly with their clients - the insurance buyers. All brokers we deal with are required through the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) to follow all privacy legislation and the privacy codes listed below.


Milnco Insurance has always held personal client information (both from our brokers and from our broker's clients) in strict confidence. We only disclose such personal information if authorized by our brokers, on their or their client's behalf, if required as part of placing insurance with our underwriters or insurers, or if required by law.


Milnco Insurance complies with all relevant legislation, and requires that all brokers we deal with comply with same. The following Privacy Principles have been established set out in Schedule 1 of PIPEDA.


Principle #1 - Be Accountable

Milnco Insurance is accountable for all personal information in its possession or custody, including any personal information disclosed to third parties for processing or other administrative functions. Milnco Insurance has established policies and procedures to comply with this declaration, and has designated a privacy officer to be accountable for compliance.


Principle #2 - Identify the Purpose

Milnco Insurance through its brokers will identify the purposes for which it collects personal information, before or when the information is collected.


Principle #3 - Obtain Informed Consent

Milnco Insurance through its brokers will make a reasonable effort to make sure customers understand how their personal information will be used by the brokerage and insurers. Milnco Insurance, through its brokers will obtain consent from its customers before or when it collects or uses the personal information.


A customer's consent can be express, implied, or given through an authorized representative. A customer can withdraw consent at any time, with certain exceptions.


Principle #4 - Limit Collection

Milnco Insurance limits the amount and type of personal information it collects. Each broker will collect personal information for the purposes identified to the customer. Milnco Insurance collects personal information using policies and procedures, which are fair and lawful.


Principle #5 - Limit the Use, Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information

Milnco Insurance will use or disclose personal information only for the reasons it was collected, unless a customer gives consent to use or disclose it for another reason, or it is permitted or required by law.


Under certain exceptional circumstances, Milnco Insurance may have a legal duty or right to disclose personal information without the customer's knowledge or consent to protect the interests of insurers or the public interest.


Milnco Insurance will keep personal information only as long as necessary for the identified purposes for which it was collected.


Principle #6 - Keep Personal Information Accurate

Milnco Insurance will keep personal information as accurate, complete and current as necessary for the identified purposes for which it was collected.


Customers may challenge, in writing, the accuracy and completeness of their personal information and request that it be amended as appropriate.


Principle #7 - Safeguard Client Information

Milnco Insurance protects personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.


Principle #8 - Make Our Information Policies Available to Ours Clients

Milnco Insurance is open about the policies and procedures it uses to manage personal information. Customers have access to information about these policies and procedures. The information will be made available in a manner that is generally easy to understand.


Principle #9 - Makes Personal Information Accessible

When customers make a request in writing, Milnco Insurance will within a reasonable time tell them what personal information it has, what it is being used for, and to whom it has been disclosed.


When customers request it in writing, Milnco Insurance will give them access to their personal information. Milnco Insurance will respond to the written request in a timely fashion. In certain situations, however, Milnco Insurance may not be able to give customers access to all their personal information. Milnco Insurance will explain the reasons for this lack of access and any recourse the customer may have, except where prohibited by law.


Principle #10 - Is Committed to Addressing Client Complaints and Concerns

Customers may challenge Milnco Insurance's compliance with this declaration. Milnco Insurance has policies and procedures to receive, investigate, and respond to customers' complaints and questions. Customers may learn about these policies and procedures by contacting the brokerage privacy officer at (204) 594-3519.

COffice Hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm (CST)


Phone: 204-949-7000
Toll-Free: 1-888-MILNCO-1


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